Our Story

Passion for healthy living drove us to search for a superfood, one that’s nutritious, tasty, and conveniently consumed in refrigerator-friendly packages. After a two-year exhaustive study, analysing the best of what is available today, we set out to create something fresh.

And we continue to look at products that add significant value to your daily nutritional needs.

The Yoghurt Spread

Before pushing the boundaries and experimenting with exotic flavoured yoghurts, our first task was perfecting the Plain Yoghurt, getting the balance just right - thick with a smooth and creamy finish. Our choice of flavours was part consumer research-based and part an ode to our founders’ taste buds.

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What's Different?

Yoghurt isn’t new and yoghurt brands aren’t few, but all our research pointed to three differentiating factors that we’ve sought to build the brand on.

Choice of Ingredients
It all comes down to using the highest-quality ingredients, without which the best yoghurts just aren’t that, best. Sourcing farm fresh milk is key to our business and something we take very seriously. As for the fruit bits that get blended, a select group of farmers provides us the best of their produce.
That’s why every spoon of Crèmberie tastes exactly the way it does.
The Food Science
Culturing milk to produce yoghurt seems fairly straightforward although it is nothing but that. The care and attention to detail that goes into every stage of this process often blurs the line between science and art, effortlessly combining precision with passion.
Our approach to this is less about a must-have CSR mandate and more about actually making a difference to both our products and the planet. From sourcing practices and animal care to the natural resources consumed, we continually strive to adopt a healthier route.

If there’s one thing we hold more important than lab-based research, it’s listening to your inputs on how we can make our yoghurt better. While our standards of excellence are pretty high, we’d love to hear your thoughts on making Crèmberie tastier and healthier.

Signing up here is also a great way to keep in touch and be among the first to be informed of our new products.

Milcreme India

Door No. 11/259, East Veliathunadu,
UCC PO, Ernakulam, Kerala 683102

Email: info@cremberie.com